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Home Organization and Storage Solutions:  Are your closets, basements and garage a dumping ground.  Create a “home” from everything and improve the functionally at these spaces with easy, management solutions.



Clean and Sanitize:  Have your home cleaned and sanitized to make it safe for you and your loved ones.  Let HomeworX tackle all these hard to reach areas, stoves, refrigerators and bathrooms.



Home Office:  Do you get frustrated looking for important documentation?  Maximum the efficiency and implement a time saving system that allows you to find things in seconds.



Space Planning:  Give your home a positive flow in putting every piece in place where it belongs.  Giving an old home a fresh make over or plan a fresh start for a new home—creating a harmonious environment.


Business listed since Sunday, January 13, 2008


Westmount Rd West
Kitchener, On, N2M 1R5

Contact Name: Phone Email
Jennifer 5195003765 homeworx2007@yahoo.ca

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westmount rd west Kitchener   Home Organization and Storage Solutions:  Are your closets, basements and garage a dumping ground.  Create a “home” from everything and improve the functionally at ...

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