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Chore Choppers

Helping small businesses and individuals save time is what Chore Choppers is all about! Serving the Kitchener-Waterloo area, Chore Choppers - Kitchener-Waterloo’s new concierge & errand business - delivers a suite of services for individuals and businesses, including; shopping (groceries, personal and apparel), dry cleaning drop-off and pick-up, residential services (waiting for service personnel, watering plants, collecting mail), ordering tickets to sporting or cultural events, banking and postal services, special occasion reminder service, small business assistance, pet grooming, and more.

Business listed since Thursday, August 10, 2006


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Fax: 5195767107

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Chore Choppers

Helping small businesses and individuals save time is what Chore Choppers is all about! Serving the Kitchener-Waterloo area, Chore Choppers - Kitchener-Waterloo’s new concierge & ...

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